Low, gritty grind of love
Thrum of violence within blood
Knots on ankles and wrists
Whispers stretched, high strung
Finger tips pluck at heart-sichords
Play by ear what a mind contorts
Into logic, a plan, a clammy hand
Head to drum, bodies disband
Scratching, crawling, a beat weakening
Toe tap to hammer out honest needs
Notes pulse, writhe and rest
Within an ear of sorrow to invest
All eyes, all legs, deep sighs, gaping cuts
A life for a lie and needles knitting guts
None belong to lips
So cruel, gently eclipsed
By a memory that mocks and drains
Haunts twilight, dark night, and dawning light
Gains momentum among pain
Mourning through insight
As tongue trails from lobe to curve
Denoted inclinations observe
Teeth outlining a fevered scream
Ripping deeper into inviting seams
Music box, melodical mind
Gears of a heart ready to grind
A tune so tranquil it brings agony
With recollections of sweeter things
A song for a sensual soul
This dance of merigold
What no word can say
Sexy, swing and sway
Drink and sink and be what may
A song to narrate another day
A song to pulse
A song to hate
Repeat, passionate aftertaste
Battery sinking to zero sum
When there's silence
There will be one
A single second to kiss the beat
And less than that to kneel defeat
Within the span of two favored hands
Exists but one demand
That of…
0% Battery
Powering Off